Dumbbell Dead Lifts

The deadlift is a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell or bar is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, then lowered to the ground. It is one of the three powerlifting exercises, along with the squat and bench press.

A variation using the dumbells. This is an exercise for lower back, hamstring and calves strengthening.


  1. Grasp 2 dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Keeping your back straight bend at the waist, allow some bend in your knees.
  3. Grasp the dumbbells with an overhand grip in each hand.
  4. Straighten your back as you hold the dumbbells at arm’s length.
  5. Bend over again lowering the dumbbells to just above the floor.
  6. Return to starting position.
  7. Repeat.


Do not increase the weight on this exercise until you have mastered the correct form.

Exercise images by Everkinetic

Wikipedia Deadlift