Last Updated on November 13, 2023

The inspiring journey of Darlene Escano in the world of competitive bodybuilding is a testament to dedication, resilience, and unwavering determination. Let’s delve into the remarkable experiences, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped her path to becoming a professional figure competitor.

Darlene’s story begins in her formative years when she displayed a deep love for sports. She had an innate passion for track and field and eagerly anticipated school sports carnivals. The influence of fitness ran deep in her family, with her brother actively involved in tennis, her sister in netball, and her father engaging in weight training right in their living room, equipped with a bench press and barbell.

Her journey took a significant turn when, as a young adult, she stumbled upon a fitness magazine that would change her life. An advertisement featured Monica Brant, posing in a striking red bikini, leaving a lasting impression on Darlene. She was captivated by Brant’s physique and aspired to achieve a similar level of fitness and body shape. The motivation only intensified as Darlene had previous boyfriends who were bodybuilders and had introduced her to the world of bodybuilding competitions.

A pivotal moment occurred when her boyfriends took her to a bodybuilding competition where figure girls graced the stage, exuding glamour and showcasing impeccable bodies. This experience solidified her determination to pursue figure competing.

In 2007, Darlene embarked on her competitive journey at the IFBB Australasians held in Sydney, Australia. This period was marked by personal tragedy as her boyfriend at the time passed away, leaving her in a state of grief and uncertainty. Nevertheless, she persevered, completing her contest preparation and competing, even though she placed last.

Recognizing the need to regroup and work on both her physique and emotional well-being, Darlene took a year off. During this time, she found a remarkable training partner who pushed her to train harder and more diligently. Together, they spent four days a week training and dedicated two additional days for individual workouts. As her body began to transform, Darlene set her sights on her next competition.

In 2009, Darlene returned to the IFBB Australasians and achieved an impressive 3rd place finish. The positive feedback regarding her physique and condition fueled her determination. Just a week later, she participated in the IFBB Elite Show in Perth, Australia, where she secured a 4th place.

The year 2010 marked a pivotal moment in her journey. Darlene once again competed in the IFBB Australasians, this time emerging as the 1st place winner. This victory opened the door to the prestigious Arnold Classic in 2011.

March 2011 saw Darlene competing at the Arnold Classic, where she clinched the top position in her class, surpassing nearly 20 other talented athletes. This achievement marked a momentous occasion, as she became the first Australian and the first Filipino to secure victory in this renowned event. The surprises did not end there; Darlene was declared the overall winner, and the IFBB awarded her the coveted pro card, officially designating her as a professional figure competitor.

Her debut as a professional figure competitor was at the Australian Pro Grand Prix in Melbourne, where she achieved an impressive 3rd place finish, earning a spot in the Olympia, held in Las Vegas later that year. Remarkably, Darlene had only competed in five amateur shows before attaining her pro card, an achievement that many only dream of. The Olympia, being one of the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions in the world, was a significant milestone in her career.

Expressing her gratitude for the opportunities her achievements have afforded her, Darlene acknowledges the unwavering support of her friends and family, especially her patient fiancé, who understands the demands of her sport.

In terms of her training routine, Darlene follows a structured plan that includes:

  • Monday: Chest
  • Tuesday: Legs
  • Wednesday: Delts
  • Thursday: Back
  • Friday: Arms (though, closer to competitions, she reduces arm training to prevent bicep dominance over her shoulders)

Cardio is a daily staple in her regimen, and as competitions approach, she increases her cardio sessions to twice a day, in the morning and evening. Having an exercise bike in her lounge room leaves no room for excuses. As a personal trainer, Darlene is at the gym daily, ensuring a consistent workout schedule. Additionally, she dedicates time to training her abs on most days.

As for what lies ahead, Darlene is off to New Zealand to compete in another professional show. While she hopes to perform well, her primary goal is to enjoy the experience and have fun, a testament to her enduring love for the sport and her unyielding dedication to her journey as a figure competitor.

Darlene Escano’s journey from a young sports enthusiast to a professional figure competitor is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and dedication. Her remarkable achievements and unwavering determination serve as an inspiration to aspiring athletes and a reminder that with perseverance and a strong support system, even the most challenging obstacles can be overcome.