Last Updated on January 22, 2024

These series of articles dealing with FAKE products in the industry has been put off for several years now. It has been a chronic problem and it looks like its the new Normal in the Philippines. Following is a situation with TRX products.

Fact 1: Last September 2014, my friend bought a TRX FORCE Kit: Tactical, advertised in the TRX website as its ‘most advanced workout system ever.’

Fact 2: It retails in the TRX website for US$ 299.95, which is more or less Php 13,000 at current exchange rate. Comparing other prices from authorized international TRX sellers, the price ranges from Php 12,000 to Php 15,000.

Fact 3: It retails at for a 74% discount which puts it at Php 2,699 (US$ 60) only. The original price was Php 10,199 (US$ 227).

Fact 4: said (as advertised on their website) it is ‘AUTHENTIC’ complete with hologram ‘proof of product authenticity’ seal. Plus a serial number.

TRX Kerwyn
Actual TRX bought from

Fact 5: My friend tried to register the TRX he bought from To his surprise, it was flagged by TRX as FAKE.

Following is the actual email: TRX Training Case# 236796

Hi Kerwyn,

Thank you so much for the information regarding your Suspension Trainer.

Unfortunately, we concluded that you purchased a counterfeit product based on the fact that the serial number (FA00901914970) on your product has been identified as counterfeit through numerous other customer inquiries. TRX is aware that these products are out there and we are working around the clock to get them off the market. They are extremely dangerous and often involve illegal working conditions. I wish I had better news, but I can recommend a few ways to recover money for this purchase. If you ordered using PayPal, they have been very helpful with counterfeit purchases and have done full

reimbursements for orders in the first 45 days. They can be reached at 402-935-2050. If you ordered using your credit card, I recommend calling the Customer Service number for your banking institution on the back of your credit card. I never like giving someone this verdict so please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail me if you have any questions.

Best regards, Shawneeque TRX. Shawneeque Calhoun TRX eCommerce COE 1-888-878-5348 (US) or 1-415-655-4740 (Intl) Direct Line: (415) 655-4754

Fact 6: agreed to refund the money.

With these factual events, plus other stuff that made Kerwyn very irritable, this article will focus on this particular counterfeit product sold in the Philippines.

When you buy something that says, authentic, real, original, we must take into consideration everything about the product including price point and the store’s reputation. has a reputation of having good customer service and prompt delivery. Though they might have some problems with logistics, it is not our concern in this report. They did however addressed the issues with Kerwyn and made a resolution of a refund.

TRX Image from the TRX website

TRX is a well-known brand name with a very good reputation and it is backed by years of experience in suspension training which they initiated.

As stated in the TRX Website:

Safe Workouts With Genuine TRX Products

When workout systems like the TRX Suspension Trainer™ and Rip® Trainer redefine the fitness industry, knock-offs and imitators are bound to follow. Those poorly made imitations put people’s safety at risk and deliver a sub-optimal workout experience.

When you buy from, you can rest assured that you’re getting genuine, best-in-class TRX products that withstand heavy daily use by some of the world’s most demanding users like NFL football teams, top health clubs, and elite military units to name a few.

Your health should not be put in jeopardy by false and misleading advertising as practiced by and other sellers.

I would suggest researching first before buying brand-name products. As what happened to my friend, he has trusted to have an Authentic TRX product. They advertised it as such and all the bells and whistles are there. Regardless of who is at fault, it is clear that has made lapses in its advertising claims and bank on ‘trust’ to sell FAKE and substandard products.

I see these fake products in Divisoria and other shady places and once in a store in a mall. They are all over online. Everybody is free to buy something FAKE as long as they know it is FAKE and not advertised as AUTHENTIC and buy it at your own risk. Else do not buy nor patronize it.

Looking at authorized TRX International Distributor in the TRX website, the Philippines only lists an obscure email address.

People pay good money to have good quality service and or goods for their fitness goals. This goes to personal trainers and gyms as well. Do not sacrifice the health and safety of your clients. To the clients, please be wary of personal trainer rates. Haggling/discounting too much the services of qualified and certified trainers is not a good way to foster respect. To the sellers/retailers, there is nothing wrong with doing business but be honest and transparent. False advertising is very bad and in the fitness industry where most of the products (even supplements) we buy are for health and fitness endeavors, one accident from an inferior product will cost a lot of money to the user or worst loss of life which can never be quantified.

Is this another case of ‘lapse of judgment’ by the seller?

A signature campaign has been launched by people who have bought FAKE brand products from has been filed to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). You can file your petition at or by clicking this link.