Last Updated on January 22, 2024

fairgames poster

Fitness And IRon (FAIR) Games 2013. Held last August 31, 2013 at the Pacita Astrodome Laguna.

Strongest Man Exercises/ Individual Event/ Qualifying round
– dead lift- 100 reps of 150lbs
– push-up hand release- 100 reps
– 1K run
(cut off time 15 min)
(8am to 11am qualiflying)

Mr. and Ms. Fitness
– bikini, board shorts, sports wear
– symmetry and definition
(12pm to 3pm qualifying round)

Zumba Fusion Marathon/ 2-hour event/ 4 presentors
criteria for judging
– endurance 40%
– form and flexibility 30%
– ability to follow 20%
– enthusiasm 10%
(3pm to 5pm)

FINALS AND AWARDING (Show proper 5 to 8 pm)
Top 5 for the Strongest Man
trusters 80/lbs- 50 reps
pull ups-50 reps
burpees-100 reps
Mr. and Ms. Fitness – outfit, trunks
symmetry and definition
Awarding 9 pm