Last Updated on January 22, 2024

Senate Bill Number 2794 was introduced by SENATOR MANNY VILLAR in the 15th Congress of the Senate of the Philippines. Submitted and received on May 2, 2011.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution in Article II, Section 15 declares, “The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill consciousness among them.” Likewise, the fundamental law mandates the State to promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions to foster self-discipline, teamwork and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry.

The collective health of the people affects to a great extent the success of its overall socio-economic development. The state of health and mental fitness of every person are controlling factors in the ability to take advantage of education, technical capabilities, and business entrepreneurship. One method of maintaining our physical and mental health condition is by involving our citizens in physical fitness activities and sports programs.

This bill seeks the establishment of a community fitness center in every Barangay nationwide.

The establishment of a community fitness center in every barangay will serve as a venue for physical fitness, wellness program, and sports activities for all the residents of the barangay.

For more information and to download the full Senate Bill Number 2794 please follow this link.

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For more information and download the full Senate Bill Number 2794 please follow this link.