Last Updated on January 27, 2024

The city council of Iloilo City finally approved an ordinance banning bikini open shows, or any similar events.

On the report of GMA Iloilo’s reporter Mark Nunieza, the newly approved ordinance that will take effect after 15 days from publication, will penalize organizers of such shows with a P5,000 fine and one-year imprisonment. “Meron siyang (It has) fine. It’s P5,000 and there is a one-year imprisonment,” said councilor Liezl Joy Zulueta-Salazar, the main proponent of the ordinance.

Reports further disclosed that “such an ordinance has the support of barangay officials in the city even if bikini opens had been considered an attraction at local celebrations.”

The head of the barangay officials in Iloilo City, Carlos Guarin, shared that bikini opens had been blamed for violent incidents.

“Marami pa mang mga shows na pwedeng gawin na hindi sobrang daring,” he added.

(“There are other shows which are not that daring.”)

On a separate report, the city council believes that the approval of “Ordinance Banning Bikini Open and Other Indecent Shows/Activities in the City of Iloilo,” will help “set public moral standards to promote quality of life and to protect women from abuse, harassment and exploitation.”

The ordinance was approved and encountered no opposition from the city council’s 13 members.

Prior to the ordinance, Iloilo City Mayor, Jed Patrick Mabilog, issued Executive Order No. 29, Series of 2014 banning bikini contests and indecent activities/shows in all barangays. Salazar said the newly-passed ordinance would give the executive order “more teeth.”

According to the ordinance, it is also “unlawful for any business establishment to allow bikini contests and other indecent shows in their premises.”

However, Panay News reported that big pageants, like those conducted during Dinagyang and Paraw Regatta festivals, will have exemption from the ordinance, provided that the organizers of such events secure a permit from the mayor’s office.

Any person that will be found guilty of violating the ordinance will be fined P5,000 and imprisoned for one year at the court’s discretion. As for the establishments violating the ordinance, they shall be charged with P5,000 and be stripped of their business permits.

The Task Force on Moral Values and Formation, which is led by Jorge Duron, will be the implementing body of the ordinance.

News Source(s) :

GMA News, The Daily Guardian, Panay NewsPanay News,