Last Updated on December 12, 2023

Raffy standing at 169.1 cm is undoubtedly one of the best natural bodybuilder in the country. A native of Tondo, Manila, Raffy is 33yo and presently works for Oxygen Fitness Center in Kuwait.

What is your height & weight?

I am 169.1cm and 94.60 kilos at present and planning to reach 100 kilos

What are your parent’s names and where are they from?

Mother’s name is Gloria Cabales Dellomes and Father is Elmer Orfano Mancanes

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

I got 1 brother Warren also lift weights but not into bodybuilding. I got 3 sisters Shala, Shailanie and Glomer.

How did you get started in bodybuilding?

I starter lifting weights at ROGER’S GYM in Herbosa Tondo at the age of 20 through my friend Dionesio Galvez.

What are your goals in bodybuilding?

My goal in bodybuilding is to be number 1 which is what’s everyone’s goal. In this sport many are called but few have ever succeeded. I know in myself and I am number 1. I may not be as big as my advisers like Mike Tio Tio, Melvin Anthony, Troy Alves and Dennis James but i know i will reach my goals someday but in my heart and to the people who knows me I am at the Top of my GAME.

My DREAMS at first seem impossible, but then they seem IMPROBABLE, and then when I summon the WILL, they soon become INEVITABLE.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

10 years from now? What I am gonna be? I don’t know, no one knows the future I cant predict it, but if my stars in the sky align and unite as one I can be an International and Philippine professional bodybuilder. That’s if my stars align as one but for sure I will be a good husband and a responsible father to my 2 lovely princess.

Do you play any other sports?

My first love is Basketball. What was your first bodybuilding competition and when?

My very first bodybuilding competition was in the Novice category of Mr. Tondo in 1994. I forgot the exact date.

What motivates you?

What motivates me? My roots, Tondo. Everybody knows what’s in Tondo. Gangs, gambling, drugs, gangwars, etc. So to be different from these guys and not to be one of them I changed my world and become a role model for these guys.

What’s your philosophy on training?

My philosophy in training is different from the others. “TRAIN LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW”….I never count my repetition when I do my workouts. I do as many reps as i can to failure because I believe that muscle respond and grow if you train them in harsh and merciless ways. But still I make sure that I do it in a nice and controlled manner. Off-season and competition training is the same but I do love drop set and supersets.

Where do you train?

I train in the bodybuilding mecca in the gulf, OXYGEN FITNESS CENTER where Mr. Olympia contender trains when they have upcoming contests. My training partner is MIKE TIO TIO and OMAR AL SHAMRI.

What do you do for supplementation?

For my supplementation i do rely mostly with whey protein, celltech, amino acids.
early in the morning upon rising:
1 serving of ON 100% whey
after 10 minutes: 1 serving of cell-tech
after 15-20 minutes: breakfast
right after workout: 1 serving of ON 100% whey, 10pcs amino acids
5 minutes after:1 serving of cell-tech
30 minutes before bedtime: 1 serving of ON 100% whey with 1 spoon of peanut butter (peanut butter helps time release of protein)

What do you think about the drug situation in bodybuilding?

The drug situation in bodybuilding is awful. It may sound sarcastic but its not healthy anymore. You can’t blame bodybuilders if they use something to enhance their body because some of them its their way of living, the bigger they are the bigger chance of winning and bigger money. But for some guys who uses only just for show or just to get big without any good reason, am sorry guys but its stupidity. If you love yourself, if you love your family, forget about using performance enhancing drug if you don’t know how to use it in the right way. I may sound sarcastic but its brotherly advice.

What’s your diet like?

7:00am hydroxycut hardcore
7:30am 1 serving of whey
7:45am 1 bowl of oatmeal with 1 can tuna in water
8:00am sleep again
11:00am 1 pc sweet potato, 5 egg whites
12:00pm 1 kilo white fish (boiled), 1 sweet potato
1:00pm hydroxycut hardcore
1:30pm train
3:00pm 1 serving of whey, 10pcs amino acids
3:30pm 2 pcs steamed chicken breast, 2pcs sweet potato
5:00pm work
7:00pm 1st break : 2pcs steamed chicken breast, 1 pc sweet potato
10:00pm 2nd break 2pcs steamed chicken breast, 1/2 sweet potato
1:00am finish work
1:15am train again
2:30 am 1 serving whey protein,10pcs amino acids
3:30am house already cook 1 kilo white fish
4:00am sleep
after am/pm training I do 45 minutes treadmill or stairs.

Did anyone inspire you to become a bodybuilder?

NO BODY inspired me except myself because i want to be extraordinary.

Who is your favorite bodybuilder?

My favorite bodybuilder is the legend Arnold Schwarzenegger, but at present its Melvin Anthony who always talk to me regarding family matters, inspires me and motivates me to be number 1 and Mike Tio Tio who’s my training partner and treat him as my father.

What don’t you like about the sport and how would you change it?

The thing I don’t like about the sport I chose is how the people commented about us like, his big because he got something, his only muscle but knows nothing, etc. These guys who thinks and comments like this is only envious because they don’t trust themselves. Before people should comment, they should ask first how many years is he lifting and can these guys eat what we eat? You cannot blame guys who use something to enhance their body and in fact people will not grow by just using something… STEROIDS is just a performance enhancing drug but you cannot be big by just putting something in your body. It is a combination of good rest, good nutrition and proper training.
We cannot change bodybuilding because some guys like the current and former Mr. Olympians made this their way of living.

What are your best & worst qualities as a person?

I AM LIKE A PENCIL THE BEST OF ME IS INSIDE, BUT YOU NEED TO SHARPEN ME FIRST. Am glad I got DISCIPLINE, DETERMINATION, and DEDICATION. Without this you will never go far. Always follow you dream.

What is the most important thing in your life?

The most important thing in my life is when I meet IRENE, my coach, my friend, my wife which she gave me 2 lifetime trophy Rainne Angelique and Lois Angeline, my 2 angels.

What is the lowest point of your life?

The lowest point in my life is when I got a big problem which I really cried. I don’t know what to do and it seems the sky would fall. But when i see my wife and daughter cried too, my heart beats so fast I stop and think and say to myself I am Raffy which my daughter calls superman.

Any messages to young bodybuilders?

Follow your dreams no matter what… Never let go of the DREAM until you’re ready to wake up and make it happen. Trials in life are not meant to make us fail but to see how far we can FLY.
Beyond every SUCCESS there is a STORY. Beyond every PERFECTION, there is a JOURNEY.

“Champions aren’t born overnight. A true champion is someone who persist even the rest of the world says it can’t be done.”

Is there anything else you want to add or anybody you want to thank?

First I like to say thanks to GOD. Without HIM am nothing. Thanks to Romy Salto the first who guided me when am still young. Mellit Galang my talent manager, Bien Viungco, Ruben “Vietcong” Balbuena, for the advice during my contest. Mike Tio Tio, Omar Al Shamri my training partners. ROGERS GYM, SLIMMERS WORLD INTERNATIONAL SM CITY, OXYGEN FITNESS CENTER in Kuwait and to my loving wife IRENE – million thanks to you, for the support, encouragement, understanding, trust, and love you had given me. I love you so much. And to my number 1 fan, my daughter who always cheered for me when I am competing. Don’t worry I will always bring you the trophy and your dear Papa will always be number 1. I may not be number 1 in bodybuilding but I am your number 1 papa always. Thanks for being my number 1 fan, I love you.

Contest History:

Mr. Kuwait 2007 below 75 kilos finalist Hawalli, Kuwait
Ginoong Luzon 2002 light weight champion / 2nd place over all Tayabas Quezon
Ginoong Pasig 2002 3rd place light weight division Pasig City
Ginoong Luzon 2003 open division 6th place Tayabas Quezon
Ironman 2000 5th place welterweight division Greenhills theater, San Juan
Mr Luzon 1999 3rd place open division Bicol
Ginoong Makisig 1995 5th place Manila
Mr Luzon 1994 3rd place lightweight Guiguinto Bulacan
Mr Tondo 1994 Novice division Tondo sports complex

Upcoming Contests:

Preparing for the upcoming GOLDENMAN. Open to all gulf so I am working really hard this time. Soon, I can compete in Manila again am eager to go home and compete.