Bent-Over Two-Arm Triceps Extension with Dumbbell
Bicep Curl Lunge with Bowling Motion
One Arm Upright Row
Biceps Curl Reverse with Dumbbells
Whole Fruits versus Fruit Juice: You are what you eat (and drink)
Strategize Your Meals for Effective Energy & Weight Management
North Atlantic Clam That Lives for Centuries Yields Insights on Cardiac Aging
What you need to know about diets for quick weight loss
Healthy and Quick Breakfast Ideas
The Best way to get Natural Protein- Egg White
US FDA Cuts Trans Fat in Processed Foods
Gaining Mass when Hitting a Plateau
Eating Healthy on a Budget
Carbohydrates: quality matters
Losing to Win!
Darlene Escano Wins Overall Figure Winner Arnold Classic 2011
Allan Drueco
Winston Erwin Chiongson
Bernie Gallofin flexes muscles for international bodybuilding contest
Patricia Llena: Teen Powerlifting Champion