Biceps Curl Reverse with Dumbbells
Bent-Over Two-Arm Triceps Extension with Dumbbell
Need to have Bigger Arms in 4 Months: Exercises You Want
One Arm Upright Row
Standing Inner Biceps Curl with Dumbbells
Zottman Preacher Curl with Dumbbells
Drag Curl with a Barbell
Cross Body Hammer Curls with Dumbbell
Close-Grip Standing Bicep Curls with Barbell
Close-Grip EZ Bar Curl with Barbell
Alternating Hammer Curl with Dumbbell
Alternating Bicep Curl with Dumbbell
Biceps Curl Seated on Stability Ball with Dumbbell
Bicep Curls with Barbell
Bicep Curl on Stability Ball with Leg Raised
Reverse Plate Curls with Weight
Antonio Taguibao
Winston Erwin Chiongson
Post fight interview with the Mumbakki, Daniel Foronda Jr.
Gina Iniong wants to get back and make another run for the title
Roland Dantes Mr. Philippines Universe and World